2008年5月16日 星期五

[E-marketing] Case5 Jewellworld.com -- Question 2

2.    Are Jewellworld.com’s competitive advantages sustainable? Can they be leveraged?


Jewellworld.com’s competitive advantages include:

1)   B2B jewellery portal.

i.               Be the first mover.

ii.             Provide shopping basket.

iii.            Provide “Photo courier” as a tool to help its customers uploading their product pictures.

iv.           Develop a web-conferencing tool to help its customers to communicate with selected companies for protecting the strength of design ability for jewellers.

v.             Provide a web-based security surveillance system to service the jewellers.

vi.           Provide training videos.

vii.          Provide diamond inventory system to update latest information every day.


2)   Internet-technology consultancy specialising in jewellery industry.

i.               Assist its members to tap into the world of e-business.

ii.             Offer web design, production services and web hosting services.

iii.            Provide computer network solutions to jewellers, like hard ware and software recommendations, system evaluations, network integration design, computing equipment purchase, internet working, system training, system implementation, maintenance schemes, etc.


3)   Communication and information platform for the jewellery industry

i.               The members center

ii.             The industry bulletin board

iii.            The price list

iv.           The business information

v.             The jewellery classroom

vi.           Others like chat-room, web-mail, recruitment, direct sale platform, etc.


We think most of Jewellworld.com’s advantages are sustainable, except the internet-technology part, which is easy to be replaced by other professional information technology company.  However, Jewellworld.com is the first mover of B2B platform in jewellery industry, it should emphasize its strength to expand its unique experiences and to leverage itself as the leader in jewellery market.
